MolluscumRx Blog
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Molluscum Warts Treatment

Molluscum warts, also called molluscum contagiosum, is a virus that occurs most frequently among children. There are many molluscum warts treatments available that claim to cure the virus.

But before we explain how to get rid of molluscum warts, you might be curious as to what these bumps look like. They’re typically small, about the size of a pencil eraser, flesh or pink colored and have a white center.


Some of the more intrusive treatments are freezing, curetting or applying topical acids. Below is a description of how these treatments work.

  1. Freezing: The wart is frozen with a cryogun until it has turned a shade of white. The area then turns red and blisters over the next few days and the dead tissue falls off. With this treatment, there is a level of discomfort, pain and psychological fear.
  2. Curetting: With this molluscum warts treatment, the wart is “scooped out” with a spoon shaped instrument. A local anesthetic is applied before scooping out the wart, but the procedure can still cause some pain and psychological fear. Scarring is also common with this procedure and the warts may return.
  3. Topical acids such as cantharidin which is the extraction from beetles (also called beetlejuice). This is a highly toxic material that only a healthcare professional in a doctor’s office should apply. Care should be taken when applying catharidin because it can irritate normal skin around the application site.

In addition to treating the molluscum warts you may also do these things to keep them from coming back or spreading to others.

  • Try not to scratch or rub at the bumps
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Cover the warts with clothing (such as long sleeves) if you or your child is participating in group activities
  • Refrain from sharing personal items like towels, clothing, or water toys while swimming

Following these steps can help prevent the spread of molluscum contagiosum.
