Jana from Arizona

t works!!! Painless. Effective. Easy to apply. LOVE it!!!

I wish I knew of Mulluscum Rx prior to visiting a dermatologist, who collected lots of money for repeat visits to treat the issue with the beetle juice, which caused nasty blistering, then scaring and spread the virus when blisters popped. Two of my children caught the virus at the public pool, likely while sitting on the side of the pool, waiting for the next swimming instruction. One caught it about two years ago and the other just few months ago. Due to the budgetary cuts, the public school cut down on the cleaning!

I ran to a dermatologist with each child and got the virus treated with the suggested beetle juice. With the first child, we saw the doctor immediately upon discovering the first pimple and it took 1-3 doctor’s visits to resolve the issue. I was then told that this issue would eventually go away on its own, if left untreated. (Note: It can take up to 4 yrs. for it to clear on its own!).

So when my 2nd child got the virus 2 yrs. later, I waited few months before I panicked. The virus spread to several pimples and was looking unsightly. The pimples were big! A different dermatologist treated the virus also with the beetle juice but, once again, it spread, because when the blisters pop, they cause new infections/pimples. This child also got 3 beetle juice treatments, but the virus kept on spreading from the inner tighs to the genitalia. The doctor felt uneasy to treat the private area and then told us about the MollescumRx.

In the meantime, virus became unsightly and dangerous for all of us in the house to share the toilet. We kept the infected child out of swimming classes and almost missed its various dance recitals. We were on our last leg when we got MolluscumRX!

With the MolluscumRx treatment, we saw hope soon after beginning the treatment. It was painless to apply and to wear. It was cheaper than the doctor visits. It effectively eliminated the contagious virus pimple by pimple without scaring.

After few weeks of treatment, twice daily, we seem to be completely healed, although I will keep on watching the area for the next few days for any new developments. Finally, I can permit my self to breath a sigh of relief.

MollescumRx seem to dry out the pimples, not pop them, so there is no scaring and very minimum spreading form it, if any. Now, I feel empowered to help my child immediately, painlessly and effectively if the issue ever comes back!