Sara M. from AZ

I was skeptical about using MolluscumRX. I figured if it didn’t work we would just get our money back. After using it for a few weeks, mostly as directed, I was disappointed that we weren’t getting the promised results. I called customer service and was given the instructions to be diligent and always put it on clean and dry skin – as in, remove the previous coating of treatment before applying a new treatment. Because I had used a lot of my previous bottle they graciously sent me a new bottle at no charge. I used as directed – very diligently this time. After a week a lot of the lesions were gone and the more stubborn ones were starting to dry up. After about three weeks with the new bottle my son is lesion free! I am SO excited about this product. I would have paid twice as much for it. If our other child ends up with Molluscum I will certainly buy another bottle.

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