This article will discuss the most current treatments for water warts or as it is known in the medical world, molluscum contagiosum.
So what is the common treatment for water warts?
As it turns out, the most common advice given to moms by their pediatricians is to do nothing, and leave the water warts alone.
At the recent American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) annual convention, over 80% of the pediatricians that we spoke with said they tell their moms to leave the water warts (molluscum contagiosum) alone. The doctors say that the water warts will go away on their own. Interesting, the fact that the water warts will go away on their own is true. The question is how long will it take for the water warts to go away? The answer obviously varies from child to child. Typically, you’re looking at a period of 6 months to a year or more. Again, this depends on the individual child.
During this time the child will be contagious to others that they come in contact with. This is how water warts (molluscum contagiosum) are spread from child to child. Remember, a child’s immune system is not fully developed like an adults. Therefore, they are more susceptible to picking up the molluscum contagiosum virus or water warts.
In defense of the doctors, they know that most of the treatments out there do not work. Also, they are acutely aware of the fact that if they send mom to a Dermatologist, there is a good chance the doctor is going to use acids or other burning agents to remove the lesions. This is painful for your child and can lead to scarring, your pediatrician knows that.
MolluscumRx works by speeding up the healing process. Reducing a 6 month or more healing time to typically 3 to 4 weeks. The product is applied 2 times a day. Typically in about 5 to 7 days the lesions will begin to respond to treatment. You will see the lesions begin to darken (a dark red). This is often followed by the lesions scabbing. Once you see this process, you know the lesions are on their way out. It usually takes another 2 to 3 weeks for the lesions to resolve. We recommend you keep applying the product until the lesions are gone. This will help to keep the lesions from spreading. Best of all, MolluscumRx is a totally pain free treatment. It will not burn or discolor your child’s skin. *
And there you have it.
Do you want the best treatment for water warts?
Then get the treatment doctors recommend, MolluscumRx.