Your quick guide to understanding
molluscum contagiosum (MCV)
Whether you’ve been faced with treatment for molluscum contagiosum (molluscum, MCV) before, or you have learned about MCV through a recent diagnosis, understanding molluscum contagiosum facts is essential to choosing the best cure for you and your children.
What causes molluscum contagiosum?
MCV is a skin infection caused by a poxvirus. Poxviruses are infections that can be traced back hundreds of years. Molluscum contagiosum can be contracted by:
- Skin-to-skin contact
- Contact with objects that have been contaminated with the molluscum virus
What does molluscum contagiosum look like?
The symptoms of molluscum contagiosum include a lesion or rash comprised of papules, which are identified by the following traits:
- Round and dome-shaped
- Pink and waxy
- Small center indentation
If you are unsure whether a lesion or rash is MCV, contact your doctor for a diagnosis.
How can I cure molluscum contagiosum?
Traditionally, physicians have used the following treatments to cure molluscum contagiosum:
- Freezing the lesions
- Scooping or cutting out lesions
- Using acids to burn the lesions
These old-fashioned treatments cause significant pain and can lead to scarring. MolluscumRx offers a safe, pain-free cure for molluscum contagiosum that does not result in scarring.
Who can contract molluscum contagiosum?
Molluscum contagiosum is very common across the U.S., and is found in 1% of all skin disorders.
- Children – Molluscum Contagiosum In Children is most commonly found in kids under the age of 5; however, children of all ages can contract MCV.
- Adults – Molluscum contagiosum in adults can be a sexually transmitted disease. It is more commonly found in adults with compromised immune systems (such as those with cancer or HIV/AIDS).
Searching for additional information about molluscum contagiosum and MolluscumRx
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